TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Motor really has to be raised/come out to change oil pump?!
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Subject Motor really has to be raised/come out to change oil pump?!
Posted by GrecV2 on March 02, 2018 at 6:42 AM
  This message has been viewed 405 times.
Message In gathering parts to do a refresh of my 90 TT's 97k motor, one of the things I picked up was a new OEM oil pump...

In digging through tech docs on how to do all the things I'll be doing, I'm failing to find a definitive answer on whether the motor has to come out or be raised to change out the oil pump. Seems like they fail so seldom that it's not an item that most people replace... but to my mind, it's such a major, critical component, I'd like to do it for piece of mind.

Are you telling me that Nissan actually designed this thing to where you can't get to it without actually raising the motor off it mounts? I knew they were sadists, but that seems a bit rediculous. Lol.

Can it be done with the motor in place?

Former Stage V addict... off the wagon.

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